Grade V students of Vega School created an amazing device which can gear up the lives of blind people for their 2nd term final year project guided by our STEM educators Mr. Hardik and Mrs. Devi. “Blind Stick” is a fascinating invention which can sense the various obstacles in the way via attached ultrasonic sensor and relay the same to the person through vibrations as well as a buzzer, so hearing impairedness would not hinder its functioning. We invited the students from Captain Chandanlal Special School for the Blind on 23rd March and offered each student with a blind stick. The smile on their faces said it all, the bliss it brought to their lives. The event was an inspiring one and taught students an important life lesson of humanity. Other gadgets used are Arduino Nano Board, Battery, Jumper Wire, Snap Connector, 3D Printed Box and PVC Pipes together completes this invention. Technologies primary responsibility is towards the society and the well being of its citizens which is always a part of our various activities and approaches.

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